Ultima lezione della rubrica con l’ITIS Artom: un augurio e due consigli ai maturandi… in lingua straniera!

Siamo giunti alla fine di questo anno scolastico travagliato, speriamo che in questa rubrica abbiate trovato qualche spunto utile per i vostri studi o per il vostro ripasso. L’ultima lezione, quella di oggi, è dedicata ai maturandi che a breve affronteranno questa maturità incerta e strana. Un video che vi illustra come lo stress (e quello per la maturità è uno stress con i fiocchi) può essere utile se lo si sa utilizzare e governare.

Il video è in inglese,  perciò vi propongo una sintesi del video, in inglese “ Of course”, di “How to make stress your friend” di Kelly McGonigal.

The speaker is a psycologist: she admits that, to her patients, she always descrive stress as an enemy.
But then she found out that making it the Enemy was the wrong thing to do. The study was on 30.000 adults in the USA for a periodo of time of 8 years. The partecipants had to answer two questions: “ How much stress have you experinced in the last years?” and “Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health?”.
The partecipants could choose one of the threee following answers for the first question: “ Relatively a little stress”, “ A moderate amount of stress” and “A lot of stress”.
Most of them thought that stress was really bad for their lifes but the surprising thing was that who tought that stress wasn’t bad even if they had experience a lot of it were no more likely to increase the possibility of illness.
Something we don’t know about stress is that it makes us social. This is originated by a hormone called oxytocin, it fine tunes your brain’s social instincts, it enhaces your empaty too. Oxytocin acts both in your brain and in your body, it potects the cardiocascular system from the effects of stress and it acts also on the heart and helps hearth cells regenerate ad heal from any stress damage.
All these benefits are enhanced by social contact and support. In the end of this video we should thinks about stress in a different way for a better style of living for us but also for everyone around us.

Per vedere il video clicca qui —>“How to make stress your friend

Prof.ssa Chiara Cerrato